Bad Loans To Friends And Family May Be Tax Deductible
As far as the bad debt deduction is concerned, there are two types of debts: business and nonbusiness…
As far as the bad debt deduction is concerned, there are two types of debts: business and nonbusiness…
Credit bureaus working to help lenders tell the difference…
Specialized servicers have expertise, technology needed to manage seller-financed deals…
Language buried in CC&Rs puts entire projects off limits for FHA loans…
After a short sale, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not far away…
If market price changes, lock should be based on ‘twin sibling rule’…
Fraud by building contractors is a distressingly common occurrence…
Government policies favor investors, hold back Latino homeownership…
Complications arise when home is underwater…
Unfortunately, most MLSs don’t include ‘green fields’ in data input forms…