Down Payment Gifts Subject To ‘Bizarre And Invasive’ Scrutiny
It’s the old adage…He who has cash rules!
It’s the old adage…He who has cash rules!
HUD selling off thousands of delinquent mortgages insured by the FHA.
US real estate market still facing headwinds in 2013…
A free service allowing consumers to retrieve information on 1.2 million homes that are either in the foreclosure process or owned by lenders…
The best cure for underwriting anxiety is a two-part remedy…
How lenders set their prices and why this will surprise you…
As thousands of would-be buyers have discovered, short sales can be a long shot…
Lending policies can fuel or avert housing bubbles…
The Mortgage Bankers Association expects purchase loan originations to grow by 16 percent this year…
The straight skinny about Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)…