Six Tips For Working Safely Around Lead Paint
Precautions advised when renovating pre-1978 home…
Precautions advised when renovating pre-1978 home…
This will enable more landlords to fully deduct their losses from real estate rentals…
Temporary waiver of 90-day ‘anti-flipping’ rule extended through 2014…
Impac Mortgage, Prospect Mortgage announce new initiatives…
Investor ownership limit upped, legal liabilities for HOA boards reduced…
Millions of homeowners are still underwater on their mortgages…
Settlement provides help to 137,846 borrowers in 4 months…
The deep regrets of homebuyers and some insights for how to prevent them from taking over your own life…
If home lacks features of recent comps, it’s time to subtract value…
Regulators: Consumers should have option to buy down interest rates…